Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Suggested List of OWS Demands

courtesy of my blog:

People often group me in with Liberals, and honestly that makes sense. Admittedly, most of my political views do often fall on the side of the Democrats. My dislike for the Republican party is probably not a secret. However, I must correct those people and remind you that I choose not to affiliate with ANY party. I believe that politicians should do what is RIGHT, and not what is in line with their party's agenda. I applaud those in Washington and Albany who come out and say, "Who cares what my colleagues think, this is the right thing to do, and I support it."

Because I am free to see all points of view, I actually agree with only one point the opposition to Occupy Wall Street brings up. This protest doesn't seem to have a point. Yes, the richest 1% have all the money, and are not paying their fair share of taxes. Yes, the banks and Wall Street got bailouts while the poor and middle class got screwed. The world is F-ed up, and it IS a problem, especially in this economy.

But even if the point has been driven home, the wealthy idiots who are the targets of the protest just don't get it. What do you people want us to do about it? They see their wealth as the reward for their hard work and success. Do you want them to stop being so awesome at their business that they lose money? Do you want them to give away all they have to charity, thus sentencing THEIR family to a life of poverty? Shall I ruin my business, and subject MORE people to unemployment?

They don't get it. They don't understand what they can do to make the situation better. Plus, there's really no end in sight for the protest. What needs to happen to satisfy the protesters and bring everything back to normal.

Well, I have a list of demands that I would like to offer to those participating in OWS. If they adopt this, and send THIS message to Wall Street, it at least sets boundaries and a negotiation starting point.

1. Stop C-Blocking attempts to raise taxes on the wealthy. The best, fastest solution to our economic troubles is to begin generating revenue. That means taxes. Poor and Middle Class families benefit most from government programs, so they best understand the need for tax dollars, and would pay more if they could. You guys can afford it, so, suck it up, do your patriotic duty. Instead of paying millions in lobbyists and bribes to politicians to keep them voting against tax increases on the rich; let them happen and pay a few hundred thousand more a year in taxes.

2. Release politicians from their anti-tax pledge. Many Republicans signed a pledge during their campaign to never, ever, ever raise taxes ever. There is still the threat of the consequences of breaking this pledge hanging over their heads. What if you released them from this, and instead suggested that you will support, vote for, and deify politicians that actually do something about the economy! Not talk about how the wealthy will save us... um... actually save us!

3. "Job Creators," how about actually creating jobs? Contrary to current Republican rhetoric, I know of no company that actually says, "I'm saving money thanks to tax cuts, so let me spend this additional income on hiring more staff." More likely, a company hires more staff because they have more work than people to do it. Or perhaps the wish to expand their company. Not hiring more people is a business choice, not an unfortunate result of high taxes. So, since the richest 1% are the "Job Creators,"create some frigging jobs! As I understand the President's Job bill, it's supposed to reward companies that hire new staff with a tax credit. It's also supposed to offer small businesses contracts to do work for government projects. More work = more staff = jobs. So... Pass This Bill!!!!


4. Every Bank must Re-finance Outstanding Mortgages and Credit Debt into a loan that is affordable. I'm not saying forgive outstanding debt, I'm saying roll it over into a loan with a logical, affordable monthly payment. Make it a condition that it must be paid regularly and payments must start immediately. Most people facing the threat of Foreclosure aren't there because they REFUSE to pay, they are there because they CAN'T AFFORD to pay. Start this project: go through your records, re-write the terms of every loan, contact the customers and offer them this chance to make their outstanding debt right again.

A) This creates Jobs! You now need to hire people to sort through all the paperwork. You need to hire people to train those people how to underwrite. JOBS, and not low level constructions jobs, (not that there's anything wrong with that,) but high level temp jobs to help people get back on their feet, and develop usable business skills.

B) It allows people to get out of their situation, and afford to spend money again, stimulating the economy. It also helps avoid foreclosure, which keeps them in their house, thus stimulating the real estate market.

and most importantly,

C) It makes you look like generous patriots interested in using your success and wealth to help the country recover from this crisis; not selfish douchebag elitists who care only about their own security. It would change your image, and prove the protesters wrong. It would gain BACK the trust of the people. Then, maybe, being a member of the richest 1% would become something people would WANT to be, instead of something people mock and insult. And then the 99% wouldn't feel the need to remind you that we are here, and we are hurt, and we are angry.

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