Thursday, April 15, 2010

Double Down

courtesy of my blog:

OK, I'll make this quick. Because I want to document the year's events, I HAVE to mention KFC's new "sandwich" the Double Down. If you've not heard, it's a breadless sandwich consisting of Bacon and cheese sandwiched between two chicken breasts. These breasts come in fried or grilled.

It's being toted by media as being sick, disgusting, how could they? Jimmy Fallon has been joking about it, as have all the TV hosts.

I have to say, it DOES seem like an over-the-top, artery clogging mess. But think about it. Go on....

I have been on this "Slow Food" kick. Slow Food is the opposite of fast food. There's a lot involved in it, but put simply, instead of getting that fast food thing, try making it from scratch, using good, healthy ingredients. Don't buy Kraft Mac and Cheese, instead make a cheese sause, and put it over your own pasta. Often, it's not the fat or calories that make you unhealthy, it's the fact that you're eating pre-processed, chemical laden, food-type product. Here's a revelation... THERE'S NO CHEESE IN KRAFT MAC AND CHEESE! There's powdery cheese flavoring that makes a nice sauce when added to milk. I can melt cheese into a bechamel sauce and do the same thing, even better, in fact, and it would be healthier.

So, I can make my own verion of a Double Down at home. Just take two chicken breasts. I COULD bread them and saute them, or bake them, or Fry them, if I fry them correctly, they won't be greasy and bad for me. I can then melt some cheese over it, and serve with bacon bits. That actually wouldn't be that bad! In fact, in some circles, it could even be considered to be healthier than most things. The thing is, I wouldn't pick it up and eat it like a sandwich. That would be strange and weird, but unhealthy? I dunno.

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