Monday, April 12, 2010

Pepsi Free: Epilogue.

courtesy of my blog:

OK. To bring newcomers up to speed, I gave up Pepsi AND Snacking after 9pm for Lent. I did this for religious reasons, I was making a sacrifice for those 40 days, but while I was at it, I thought I'd use it as an excuse to research the effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup, or HFCS. I chronicled on this blog
 W  E  E  K     B  Y      W   E   E  K    what happened. (Click on each letter to get a blog entry.)

So I did what any self respecting Catholic would do on the last day of a Lenten Fast... I BINGED. I had easily 4 Pepsis on Easter Sunday, and the Night of Easter, I snacked until 12 am. It was AWESOME! But then... I started to notice something. I felt horrible.

First with the Pepsi. It's refreshing, but one is enough. In fact in subsequent days this week, I have had cans of Pepsi that I didn't even finish. Now people who know me will tell you I've been known to chug one can, then open the other can with one hand to follow it up. There have been lunches, and I just noticed this, where I'd order a "coke, no ice" and slam the whole pint before a refill. So for me to not finish a can that I was casually drinking with dinner, That's saying something.

I suppose, I detoxed. I also got used to other forms of beverage as an accompaniment to a meal. I really see my Pepsi habit, as well as ALL my unhealthy eating habits, as true addictions. Now, I don't need to check myself into anywhere. In fact, all it took was for me to give it up for 40 days. (Actually more like 45, because I don't believe in taking Sundays off, like some Catholics.)

The other thing is, and this is a bit gross. I have had, from time to time... shall we say... gas issues in the morning. Now, as a Teacher, I'm up at 6 in the morning. As Carl J Ferrara, I'm also up at 6:10, 6:20, and 6:30. My first order of business is a cup of coffee, and something for breakfast, along with lots of water.

I'm sure at some point during Lent, I did, indeed have gas. But I only started NOTICING a major problem... so to speak.... after I went back off the diet. I had a theory that it was the midnight snacking that did it. I eat something fatty or carb-y at 12 at night. Then sleep. My body does nothing to burn off the carbs or fat. So it sits there. Plus, your metabolism slows down when you sleep, and then upon awakening, you've got 6 hour old food in your stomach, plus a good shot of Starbucks. Something's going to explode!

The second half of this past week, I stopped eating after 9 again, or if I NEED to snack, it's something really light. And the gassiness has subsided.

Next time I weigh myself, I'll see if going back on the Pepsi has done anything. I can only tell you that I haven't CRAVED a Pepsi in about a month. And Easter was the most soda I had in a while. I prefer water now, or even Iced Tea. I just used the last of my "Stash" of Cola... And I used it in a steak marinade. Which is delicious, by the way, I highly recommend it. Take your favorite Barbecue or Yoshida sauce. Add a quarter to a half a can of cola, and then Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Onion and Herbs and Spices. The Phosphoric Acid in the cola marinates the steak, or even chicken, and the HFCS sweetens up the spices, so you can even add some heat to the mix. Enjoy!

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