Monday, September 20, 2010

For the love of God, Smart people... VOTE!

courtesy of my blog:

So... a teacher walks into his classroom one day, and announces to the class that they can either take their unit test or take the day off and watch a video. "By a show of hands, who would like to watch the video?" he says. Now, the students are not really paying attention, or are really apathetic. They obviously want to take the day off, but maybe they believe that this obviousness will prevail without their contribution. This goes without saying, so I don't need to say it. As a result, of the 30 people in the class, nobody raises their hand. Nobody votes for the video option.

The teacher then says, "OK, who would like to take the 2-period long, no break, largely essay, surprise test?" And three students in the back of the room start waving both arms in the air, yelling, "ME! ME! OH, ME!" Two are nerds that nobody likes and one was being sarcastic. The class has just voted 3-0 to take the test over relaxation.

The recent primary elections reminded me of this example that I often say to my students to remind them of the responsibility of every citizen to get out and vote. I'm a little scared. I'm scared because the Tea Partiers are, apparently, a force to be reckoned with. Because the Republican nomination in at least two states went to Teabagger candidates. In Delaware, it's Christine O'Donnell for senate, who thinks that masturbating is the same as infidelity, and is not entirely convinced that condoms stop the spread of AIDS. And in my state, New York, we have Carl Paladino running for Governor, who insulted New York City by calling them elitist snobs. I can tell you from living in upstate New York for 4 years, that as far as anyone up there is concerned, Long Island is the same as New York City, therefore he was also alienating my island home. Here's what scares me.... they could BOTH possibly win.

And I'll say it. If we are assuming that these candidates have the unconditional support of the Tea Party; that teabaggers believe that THESE candidates are going to save us from Obama, and make everything right again; then teabaggers are freakin' idiots! And anyone who ISN'T a card carrying teabagger, but goes along with or takes seriously what they have to say, is a complete moron.

But here's the thing, they're voting. And they're voting for dumb people. And I don't believe that it's because the dummies are a majority of America. I believe that it's because the smart people just didn't vote. Maybe it's because it was the Republican primary, or maybe smart people have lives and couldn't get to the polls.
But here's what I'm saying. If you are smart; if you are well informed; if you have a grip on reality; if you have enough of a brain to mentally override propaganda and popular political trends; then you MUST vote in November. New York, Long Island, you have to respond to a candidate insulting you by saying, "F*&% you, you just lost my vote, a$%hole!" Delaware, you have to stand up and state in a calm, yet firm, intelligent voice, "Um, Ms. O'Donnell, I masturbate WITH my spouse, and we're both fine with it, and condoms DO stop the spread of AIDS. Try reading a book sometime."

I, too, once thought we need to send a non-politician to Washington to help shake up politics. But, what I meant was: send a smart, competent non-politician who has a freaking clue about what's going on on this planet. If these candidates win, here's what will happen. First, Fox news will celebrate it as a turn around in the country, even though it's just those couple of states, and morons will believe it, because, hey, it was on television. Second, Ms. O'Donnell will go to Washington and then realize that she has no clue how to do this job. But, also realizing that admitting that will publicly humiliate her and her party, she'll employ the magical art of getting away with not doing your job that we call Politics, and will convince her moron supporters that not only did she DO a good job, but that she should get another term.

So, please... smart people in Delaware, and New York, and everywhere in the USA... PLEASE inform yourself over the next month or so, and make time to get out and vote for the truly best candidate for the office. Whether it be Governor, or School Board President. Stop the insanity, and send the right message. Make it really hard for Fox News to spin this positively towards their side.

By the way, if you do your research, inform yourself, and still think that Paladino is the right choice for NY Governor, then by all means; vote your conscience. Consider, though, that voting for a businessman for governor, or someone with no career or usable job skills for senator, is kinda like hiring a garbage man to be a chef in your 5-star restaurant. Sure, he can do the job, but should Chateau La Mer be serving grilled cheese every night?

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