Friday, December 31, 2010

12 Days 2010: 5th Day

courtesy of my blog:

Ok, my true loves. Still no response. Perhaps the birds aren't doing it for ya. What usually works when gifting is concerned. Flowers? Chocolate? AH! Jewelry!

So, My true loves, I give you today FIVE GOLDEN RINGS! One for each of your fingers so you can go around looking like a Pimp, or Elton John, or Liberace, or a wannabe rapper.

Of course, in the interest of full disclosure, (After all, all true love is built on a foundation of trust) I am using the regulations of advertising. You'll notice that I did not say Gold Rings, but rather, goldEN rings. This is because legally, I can't call them Gold, since... well... they're not. They ARE merely goldish plated. But they LOOK gold, and feel gold, and you can tell all your friends that they ARE gold, but really, they're not 24 karats, they're more like 4.

Still, I got you Five of them! That should compensate for the lack of value, replacing quality with quantity. Now, you may ask why didn't I just get you one real gold ring? Hey, I'm going along with the song, here.

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