Monday, October 18, 2010

The Gay Robot and politics.

courtesy of my blog:

I typically address these blogs towards people on the opposing side of an issue, in a futile attempt to try and sway them to my way of thinking. Today I'd like to address those who are ON my side of Gay Issues. We tend to approach these kinds of political and social issues without empathy for how the other side views the issue. So, I'd like to clarify.

Nick Swardson has a character on his new sketch comedy show, (which sucks, by the way,) called the Gay Robot. I was first introduced to this character on an Adam Sandler Album, "Shhh, Don't Tell."
The Gay Robot, being a computer, is a whiz at remembering sports stats, and calculating things. He hangs out with a clearly heterosexual group of guys who watch football. They love the Robot because he's an endless source of information. While hanging out, the Gay Robot, will subtly yet explicitly come onto the guys, asking them to engage in sex with him. "Oh, yeah, the Giants have been losing a lot of games this season, but their quarterback still has a 5-0 record, so they can still win. Can I suck your dick?" The guys are cool and politely remind the Gay Robot that they are straight and they don't want to. Throughout the skit, the Gay Robot continues to try several approaches to getting some love, even trying to manipulate them. "Guys, seriously, I run on Semen. Without it I could die."

This is how many conservatives and people who oppose Gay Rights view homosexuals. They believe... REALLY BELIEVE... that they can't control themselves and think of nothing but sex, and are constantly trying to "convert" straight people. Now, anyone who has actually MET a gay person knows that this could not be further from the truth. Why would anyone waste their time trying to pick up someone who has absolutely no interest in them? Not because they just "need to get to know you better," but because they are not even attracted to your gender. Does rape, misconduct or harassment ever happen? Sure, probably, but it is not the norm. The gay community is probably as offended by this stereotype as I was when my Sex Ed teacher in college called rape a "distinctly male behavior." To these conservatives, Gays are sexual deviants who want to victimize straight men.

The Three BIG gay issues this year are Gay Marriage, Repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, and most recently the relentless bullying of gay youth.

Gay Marriage is NOT, I Repeat, NOT a sanctity of marriage issue. The Vatican handles matters of sanctity, the Presbytery, the Synagogue, the Ground Zero Mosque, but NOT the government. The Governor of your state, or your Senators do not have jurisdiction over the sanctity of shit! It's about the LEGALITY of marriage, and giving gay couples the 1500 individual LEGAL rights and privileges that come along with a marriage licence. Plain and simple, those who oppose gay marriage want to deny a minority group the basic rights and privileges afforded to the rest of us. Why? Because it would legitimize what gay people do; which, in their mind, is molest straight men into becoming gay.

The two big arguments supporting Don't Ask, Don't Tell are thus: 1) Gay men can't control themselves and will try to engage in activity with their fellow soldiers. See Above. If the other soldiers aren't gay, then no, they won't. Besides, isn't engaging in sexual misconduct ALREADY against the rules of the military? Well, isn't it? 2) They suggest that once the troops discover a person's gayness, they will give that person what Aaron Sorkin called a "Code Red." Don't Ask, Don't Tell is supposed to protect them. If you ever hear a conservative, republican, or tea-bagger say this, do me a favor: assume that they have no respect for our troops; because they clearly don't believe that they are disciplined enough to control themselves around someone that they hate. It's also assumed by these people that our Soldiers are inherently prejudiced and of such low character that they will not be able to resist bullying a gay soldier. They also presumably believe that a gay man, fully trained by the United States Military, is unable to handle himself in such a situation. Bitch, Please!

Bullying in ANY form is unacceptable, of course. I was a victim of bullying. I was a nerd, a musician, and a weakling. Other kids felt powerless, so they belittled me to make themselves feel better. Boys who are effeminate, tomboyish girls; they also make easy targets for bullies. Add to this the contempt that some parents have towards gays, which rubs off on the kids, and you've got viciousness that feels justified. Seriously, it's to the point where my students are afraid to sing "Don we now our Gay Apparel" in Deck the Hall. And worse, the victims hear the anti-gay rhetoric, and they feel as if the bullies are right. They need the support of us. They need their role models to stop incorrectly labeling them as deviants.

I can't solve all these problems, but I can make sure I don't vote for people who are prejudiced. I am starting to center my political views around just one ideal: Vote for Smart People. And if any candidate is on the other side of this issue, I consider them too stupid to serve in government.

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