Friday, October 8, 2010

30 issues in 30 days.

courtesy of my blog:

On WNYC, New York's Public Radio station, Brian Lehrer is doing a feature called "30 issues in 30 days." Every day leading up to Election Day, he discusses with his guests a different issue facing this campaign, many of which are suggested by listeners. Today was issue #10: immigration. As I listened, I had a surge of indignant opinion, and conceived the strangest project ever imagined: I will attempt to formulate my own opinion about these 30 issues, and blog about them all.

Now, why on earth would I want to do this? And don't I have anything better to do? Well to answer the last question first, yes, I do. And yet, to answer the first: A) In an earlier blog entry, I insisted that smart voters should get out and vote intelligently and in a well informed manner. I'd be a hypocrite is I didn't do so myself as well; 2) I like to bring a unique political view to the debate, and in the process, reinforce that political view. Here's the problem.

As I started to write my opinions on the Immigration issue... I felt it. The IQ leaving my body. The Anger welling up. I was becoming political. I hate the feeling of being political.

As I finished my third paragraph, I found that I had already outlined the entire Pro- and Anti-immigration points of view. Now, what significant difference am I making if I'm simply re-iterating the debate that's being fed to us over the media over and over again. I wanted to bring a unique point of view; not merely regurgitate what's already out there. That's what they want. By "They" I mean those in political power. They don't want to actually solve the problem. They want us discussing the problem; perhaps to generate some misdirected hatred; and to sway us towards NOT thinking about the issue; and, instead, voting the way they tell us to. And as they said in the third Reich, "If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes perceived as the truth."

So, no, I'm not going to blog about all 30 issues. If something comes up that I feel I can present a unique perspective on, then I will. Otherwise, I'll focus on more important things, like my job, my family, my music, and my life.

For the Record, though.... The only difference between an illegal immigrant and a legal one is that the legal ones told the government that they're here. I believe that they should be allowed to register and become citizens or legal immigrants. If it were not for immigration, none of our ancestors would be here, and neither would we. There was opposition to Irish, Italian, and other immigrants back then, too. And it was based in prejudice back then, also.

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