Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Current Events: Egypt

courtesy of my blog: http://cjferrara.blogspot.com

The Egyptians are Revolting !!!!  I enjoy any opportunity to make that allusion! (What movie is it from and what's the response?)

But seriously, January 2011, "President" Mubarak is overthrown by the population of Egypt demanding democratically elected officials. Some pointed out that, yes, positive governmental change CAN be obtained without the use of bombing or invasion. Others pointed out that the U.S. has to tread lightly when choosing who to support. Mubarak has been a friend and ally, and many of their weapons ARE American made. And yet, we would much rather see Democracy in that region than a strangely convenient one-candidate unanimous election year after year.

At times like this, I enjoy envisioning the utopia that is Star Trek. In TNG, DS9, and Voyager, the United Federation of Planets is guided by something called the Prime Directive. For the benefit of the Nerd Impaired: this means that in seeking out new worlds, and new civilizations, and boldly going where no one has gone before; the Federation will not interfere in the natural evolution of a species, or in the culture of that planet's customs or laws. In other words, if the Enterprise finds a planet where the citizens are rising up to overthrow their leader who is a dictator; they may not support the protesters, and ALSO may not support the dictator in "keeping order." They lend support in negotiations, but do not do anything to guide this conflict in any particular direction.

I often feel that this should be our policy in matters over seas. It should not be our place to support one side or the other. Our place should be in guiding the region towards a peaceful solution. In Egypt's case, the solution is Mubarek stepping down, and a more democratically elected president taking office.

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