Sunday, January 2, 2011

12 Days 2011: 8th Day

courtesy of my blog:

OK... enough with the birds! I mean, really! Partridge, Hens, Geese... enough already! You know, sometimes it's not a thing that you get for your true love, but rather a service. So... I got you some servants.

Today, My True Loves, I got you Eight Maids a-Milking! No, wait, hear me out. Everybody needs milk. Milk prices are through the roof. And you know that old expression... about getting the milk for free. So these lovely maids will milk every morning for you. That means, every morning, Eight buckets of milk! Use it in your coffee, put it on your cereal, cook with it, drink it... whatever you like.

And for the guys, they serve as entertainment. There is nothing that excites a man like watching a beautiful maid a-milking. Which reminds me... I should get the cows also. I'll get right on that.

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