Tuesday, December 28, 2010

12 Days 2010: 3rd day

courtesy of my blog: http://cjferrara.blogspot.com/

I was hoping, my true loves, that I'd be able to find some imported hens from France. But to no avail. So, I booked the Concorde, flew over to France, bought me some hens, then brought them back. Flying back at Mach 2 really freaked the hens out. They were all like, "Wow, we're the fastest hens on earth! No Chicken can fly as fast as we can!" Truth be told, no chicken can fly at all, but that's neither here nor there.

So, I got 'em. And I give them to you today, on the third day of Christmas: Three French Hens. I'm letting you know that they're French, so that you appreciate the trouble I went through to get them for you. Otherwise, I just got you some chickens.

Now, even though they're MUCH easier to cook than Partridges or Turtle Doves, I encourage you to NOT cook these hens. Instead, build yourself a coop, and enjoy days and months of eggs. You may need a rooster, but I'm not going back to France, so you're on your own.

Or, if you would rather cook the hens, I recommend spatchcocking them. I just like the sound of it. It's a funny word. Spatchcock! Or wait a few days, until you get the rooster and enjoy some Coq Au Vin.

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