Sunday, December 26, 2010

12 Days of Christmas 2010 - Day 1

courtesy of my blog:

Greetings, my true loves, it's that time of year again. Contrary to popular belief, Christmas isn't over. Yesterday was the BEGINNING of the real Christmas season, the actual 12 days of Christmas. It's my personal tradition to send out, via the interwebs, a gentle, humorous and creative reminder in the form of this series of blogs.

This tradition started as a mass e-mail to all my friends, but in the era of social networking, it has evolved into this. This year, I'm going "classic," bringing back the original concept of the e-mails that started it all.

So, this being the First Day of Christmas, and as tradition dictates, I hereby send you all a wonderfully exotic Patridge in a Pear Tree. I went down to the local nursery and acquired the tiniest saplings of pear tree, guaranteed to produce fruit when planted in good nutrient rich soil. I then went to J and B's Exotic Pets and purchased a delightful pet partridge. I placed said partridge in said pear tree and boxed it up and shipped it to you, my true loves.

I'd recommend planting the tree immediately, before the partridge has a chance to eat the pears. As for what to do with the partridge, a cage would be in order, but I believe partridges prefer to be free range, so clip its wings and let it roam around a pen in the yard. Or, better yet, kill it, pluck it, and fry it up with a pear-based dipping sauce.

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