Wednesday, December 29, 2010

12 days 2010: 4th day

courtesy of my blog:

Seeing as how I have gotten no response to the multitude of avian gifts, I can only assume, my true loves, that you are somehow dissatisfied. I can't imagine why, I mean who wouldn't want 3 French Hens, 2 Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree? At most, you have a zoo containing a multitude of birds; At least, you have had three wonderful poultry dinners.

Perhaps it's because you prefer birds that sing. Or at least who have an interesting call. So I went all over town auditioning. And I've narrowed the field down to the four best. The Blue-breasted Whipporwhil which goes, "Ca-CAW! Ca-CAW!;" The Yellow-crested Canary Buzzard which goes, "Walla-WOOP, walla-WOOP!;" and The Green-tailed Pigeons which goes, "Bah-WOP, Bah-WOP!;" and the Barry Carl Finch which goes, "BOW- Oooo-WOP, Ooh-way-ooh-way-Oooh-WOP!"

I was going to choose between them, but it turns out, put them all together and they perform a killer a cappella arrangement of "Kiss The Girl." So, I give them all to you... Four Calling Birds. Direct from their getting voted off of the Sing-Off... (all the best groups got voted off first, you know) ... to your back yard, where they will serenade you to sleep every night. And if they get annoying, four more nights of poultry dinners. Roasted Barry Carl Finch with Barbecue sauce is DE-licious.

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